Major Pantheon

Serpent Goddess of the Sun
Associated with Fire and Restoration as well as being the Goddess of the Largest Sun in Squelch's sky (Squelch has 3 Suns). She is the patron deity of the Glorpian Empire. Depicted as a Feathered Serpent.
Group: Gods of the Sky

Fey Goddess of the Moon
Associated with Birth, Death, and Fertility. She is also the Goddess of the largest of Squelch’s two Moons. Depicted as a plump dark elf. Worshipers of Wal'Martia often make sacrifices to her in the form of small altars or figurines made of bare bones.
Group: Gods of the Sky

God of the Void
Lord of Doom. Purveyor of Darkness. Depicted as a dark storm cloud.
Group: Gods of the Sky

Goddess of Stories
The Matron of the Wood. Associated with Storytelling, Writing, and Forests. Depicted as a hunched old lady.
Group: Gods of the World

God of the Oceans
The Lord of Revelry. He is also associated with Courage and Fermentation. Depicted as a half-man half-fish, merged vertically.
Group: Gods of the World

Goddess of Growth
Associated with Agriculture and Industry. Depicted as a beehive or swarm of bees.
Group: Gods of the World

God of Tricks and Lies
Kromulon wanders between the realms, telling lies, tying knots in bootlaces, punching holes in buckets, giving children knives, spilling salt and generally causing mischief. Attributed as the catalyst for the creation of Squelch. Depicted as a goat man or goat head.
Group: Gods of the Body

God of War and Rebellion
The Lord of Portals. Guardian of the gates between the realms of existence. Depicted as a knight in full plate armor.
Group: Gods of the Body

God of Blood
Associated with Sacrifice and Martyrdom. Depicted as a hanged man.