Minor Pantheon

Serpent Demigod
Child of Qoaxla. Associated with the small Red Sun, Luck, and Music. There are many festivals associated with the appearance of this sun's red glow.

Greater Fey
Ward of Qoaxla. Associated with the Second (Blue) Moon, Pacts, and Bonds. Oaths taken beneath a blue moon have special significance.

Greater Demon Prince
Associated with Insanity and Reflections. It is whispered that Tef will take bribes to warp the minds of your enemies.

Frost Giantess
Associated with Reason and Rime. The cold bitter voice of Reason, hair crusted in rime, she wanders reasonably.

Mana Infestation Spirit
Associated with Disease, Pestilence, and Hate. Often depicted as a giant Katydid.

Raw Magic Construct
Associated with Secrets. Often depicted as a Satyr. Rumored to be Kromulon's Offspring.

Raw Magic Elemental
Associated with Justice and Rain. "No justice comes of a torch waving mob; only the flame of justice burns during the heavens cleansing downpour." Auga Roams the planet as a multi-eyed monstrosity.

Ancient Gold Dragon Demigod
Associated with Knowledge and Greed. She attained god-hood through an intellectual avarice that rivals the breadth of the cosmos.

A Mythic Folk Hero
Associated with Honor, Courage, and the Tolling of Bells. He is the patron deity of many roaming paladins who adorn their armor in his sigil.

Daughter of Degan. Associated with Peace and Bounty. Depicted as a cow with big eyes and full udder. Leading a cow by a simple lead is a nearly universal sign of peace.

Mythic Figure
Possible a a Fey? Associated with Travel, Roads, and Bridges. Little is known about this person, but their mark adorns many of the ancient stone bridges and roads all across Squelch. It is said that, "wherever The Traveler went, stone grew beneath each step."

Greater Fey
Associated with Beasts, Hunting, and Winter. Attributed with populating the barren planet with all the diverse animals we see today.